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Created some content about the ISS

Still under development, but I made a start with information about the I(nternational) S(pace) S(tation) and my activities towards the ISS.

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Old QSL cards from my Region page

I created a page with old QSL cards from the time that CB radio just became legal in the Netherlands (the 80's).Most of the QSL cards are from the region I live in.

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ISS tracker page

I always wanted my own ISS tracker and I found a tracker which was easy to host on my website.

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Links page

The 'Link page' has been updated.

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Digital Mode Frequencies page

Today I added a page with some Digital Modes and the frequencies on where they are used.

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Q-codes page

New page added with the Q codes used by Hamradio operators.

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My videos on Youtube page

Today I added a page with some of my Youtube videos regarding my Hamradio hobby.

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My Websites

Just added a 'My Websites' link to the main menu.

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New Website PH5HP

This is my new WebSite.

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