CB Radio Divisions and Hamradio Prefixes
New page with information about CB-Divisions and Hamradio Prefixes.
dBm to Watt / Watt to dBm table
I added a table about converting dBm to Watt today and vica versa. It is for my own convience. If you use WSPR mode there is only power displayed in dbm and not in Watt.
Repeater frequencies Netherlands
I made a page with the repeater frequencies of the 10m, 2m, 70cm and 23cm band. Later today I also created a page for DMR, D-Star, Fusion and Packet Radio frequencies.
Go to Repeater Frequencies page
Go to Digital Repeater Freq. page
CB Radio section on my website
Lately I am working on some information regarding CB Radio. I have added information about the 40 channels here in the Netherlands and a list of the divisions used on CB. Some weeks ago I added some images of QSL cards from the 80's of my region. Just look for CB in the main menu of my website.
Created some content about the ISS
Still under development, but I made a start with information about the I(nternational) S(pace) S(tation) and my activities towards the ISS. Beware: it is still work in progress !
Old QSL cards from my Region page
I created a page with old QSL cards from the time that CB radio just became legal in the Netherlands (the 80's).Most of the QSL cards are from the region I live in.