Link page
The 'Link page' has been updated. There are a lot more 'Links' added. Some are international, but the majority are Dutch.
Digital Mode Frequencies page
Today I added a page with some Digital Modes and the frequencies on where they are used.
Q-codes page
New page added with the Q codes used by Hamradio operators. Click on the button below.
My videos on Youtube page
Today I added a page with some of my Youtube videos regarding my Hamradio hobby. I will add more videos in the future. Most of these videos are already from some years ago. I hope you will enjoy it.
My Websites
Just added a 'My Websites' link to the main menu. Here you will find some of my Websites. The 'Logbook PH5HP' link can only be used by me. My Logbook on Google Maps and my PSK Reporter on Google Maps can also be found at:
New Website PH5HP
This is my new WebSite. I abandoned WordPress because it was slow and I had a lot of other problems with it. My new WebSite is running the E107 CMS. This Content Managing System is fast and not as big in loading as WordPress is.